Osama Rostom Aziz Mady
Full Name: Osama Rostom Aziz Mady
أسامة رستم عزيز ماضي
Country: Jordan


Mr Osama Rostom Aziz Mady is Chairman of Real Estate Development - Jordan and Chairman of Al Tharaa Investment. Prior to that Mr Mady was also Deputy...

Ownership Updates

Date % Ownership Company Sector Country
2022 Union Investments Corp PLC Food,Tobacco & Beverages Jordan
2022 Real Estate Development - Jordan Real Estate Jordan
2020 Jerusalem Real Estate Investment Co Real Estate Palestine
2022 Shira Real Estate Development and Investment Real Estate Jordan
Al Tharaa Investment Real Estate Jordan
The Arabian Falcon for Housing and Investment Real Estate Jordan
2014 Al Hidab Tourism and Real Estates Investments Co Real Estate Jordan
Al Rawd for Tourism and Investment Consumer Durables & Services Jordan
Al Waha Recruitment Industrials - Transportation & Services Jordan


Date Designation Entity Entity Description Country
2015 Real Estate Development - Jordan Company In Real Estate Jordan
2014 Union Land Development Company In Real Estate Jordan
2021 Jerusalem Real Estate Investment Co Company In Real Estate Palestine
2023 Arab East Financial Investment Co Company In Real Estate Jordan
Arab East Financial Investment Co Company In Real Estate Jordan
2018 Jerusalem Real Estate Investment Co Company In Real Estate Palestine
2021 Jerusalem Real Estate Investment Co Company In Real Estate Palestine
2020 Al Safwa Insurance PLC Ordinary Company Jordan

Insider Transactions

Estimated Value (USD)
Buy : 51
Buy :
Date Company Action Quantity VWAP Price Estimated Transaction Value (USD)
2014 Union Land Development Sell
2014 Union Land Development Sell
2014 Union Land Development Sell
2014 Union Land Development Sell
2014 Union Land Development Sell
2014 Union Land Development Buy
2014 Union Land Development Sell
2014 Union Land Development Buy
2014 Union Land Development Sell
2014 Union Land Development Sell
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