Alexandria Real Estate Investment
Country : Egypt
Sector : Real Estate
Industry : Real Estate Development & REITs
Sub-Industry :

Alexandria Real Estate Investment Profile

Last Review Date 27-Jun-2024

Basic Information

  • Activity :
    Alexandria Real Estate Investment known as AREI, is a Private Co. operating within the Real Estate Management & Development Services Sector. AREI Established in 1988 & Based in Giza, Egypt.
  • Industry Group :
    Real Estate Development & REITs
  • Sub-Industry :
  • Contact Person :
  • Established On :
  • No of Employees :
    1,001 Employees as of 2019
  • Paid Capital :
    925.452 M EGP
  • Authorized Capital :
Alexandria Real Estate Investment
34-36 Mosadak Street, Dokki, Giza 12311, Giza, Egypt.
+20 2 33016701
+20 2 33362198


Date Title File
Alexandria Real Estate Invest Annual Financials Report 2009
Alexandria Real Estate Invest Quarterly Financials Report Q3 2009
Alexandria Real Estate Invest Quarterly Financials Report Q2 2009
Alexandria Real Estate Invest Quarterly Financials Report Q1 2009
Alexandria Real Estate Invest Annual Financials Report 2008
Alexandria Real Estate Invest Quarterly Financials Report Q3 2008
Alexandria Real Estate Invest Quarterly Financials Report Q1 2008
Alexandria Real Estate Invest Annual Financials Report 2007
Alexandria Real Estate Invest Quarterly Financials Report Q3 2007
Alexandria Real Estate Invest Quarterly Financials Report Q3 2006
Alexandria Real Estate Invest Quarterly Financials Report Q1 2006
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