El Goumhoria Trade Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals and Medical Supplies Co
Country : Egypt
Sector : Health care supplies & services
Industry : Health Care Services & Technology
Sub-Industry :

El Goumhoria Trade Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals and Medical Supplies Co Profile

Last Review Date 21-Jul-2024

Basic Information

  • Activity :
    El Goumhoria Trade Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals and Medical Supplies Co (known as: El Gomhouria for Drugs ) is a private Co. It operates within the Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology Research & Development...
  • Industry Group :
    Health Care Services & Technology
  • Sub-Industry :
  • Contact Person :
  • Established On :
  • No of Employees :
    1,158 Employees as of 2023
  • Paid Capital :
    150.000 M EGP
  • Authorized Capital :
El Goumhoria Trade Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals and Medical Supplies Co
23 El Sawah Street, El Ameeria Area, Hadaek El Qobba, Cairo 11887 Egypt
+20 2 2572067
+20 2 2275203


Date Title File
El Gomhouria for Drugs Annual Financials Report 2011
El Gomhouria for Drugs Annual Financials Report 2007
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