Al Arabia Islamic Bank

Last Updated:
  • 1.00 IQD
  • 0.00
  • 0.00%
مصرف العربية الإسلامي
Symbol : BAAI
52-Week Range : 0.00 - 1.00
Turnover Ratio : 0.03
Market : Iraq Stock Exchange
Sector : --
Industry : Banks
Sub-Industry :

Basic Information

  • Activity :
    United Arab for Money Transfer (known as: United Arab) is a Public company operating within the diversified financials sector. United Arab is based in Baghdad, Iraq and was established in May 2004.
  • Industry Group :
    Financials - Banks
  • Sub-Industry :
  • ISIN :
  • Contact Person :
  • Established On:
  • Stock Listing On :
  • No of Employees :
    70 Employees as of 2018
  • Outstanding Shares :
  • Free Float Shares :
  • Par Value :
  • Paid Capital :
  • Market Cap :
  • Authorized Capital :

Indices Membership

Data Not Available
Al Arabia Islamic Bank
Al-Mansour, 14 Ramadan Street, in front of Shmeisani Restaurant, P.O.Box: 6068 Mansour
T : +964 1 5416905
F : +964 1 5417878


Title Name As Of
Chairman: Ahmed Al Jubouri
Deputy Chairman: Hoda Hassan
Board Member: Duraid Hamdan
Abdul Moniem Saleh
Haidar Ali
Ahmed Amin 2021
Bakr Ali 2021


Date Title File
2024 BAAI Quarterly Financials Report Q2 2024
2024 BAAI Annual Financials Report 2023
2024 BAAI Quarterly Financials Report Q1 2024
2023 BAAI Quarterly Financials Report Q3 2023
2023 BAAI Quarterly Financials Report Q2 2023
2023 BAAI Quarterly Financials Report Q1 2023
2023 BAAI Annual Financials Report 2022
2023 BAAI Quarterly Financials Report Q1 2023
2022 BAAI Quarterly Financials Report Q3 2022
2022 BAAI Quarterly Financials Report Q2 2022
2022 BAAI Annual Financials Report 2021
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